Feb 12, 2010


This weekend is going to be nice. Last night Jenna and I went to The Vagina Monologues, which was actually really, really good. The first couple "vaginas" and other terms, approximately 50 other terms, were a little explicit and in your face. Once you got familiar with the fact that a vagina is a body part and not something illegal, I saw past the surface value of the play and through to the actual meaning. Woman empowerment. The other sex. The forgotten sex, at times. Me, I do not forget about the female. It was interesting to see what girls go through from an objective point of view, and also from inside their heads. From six year olds being asked what their vaginas would smell like ("Snow flakes!") to the elderly opening up about their "down theres," the play was genuinely, and tastefully done. It was not immature, and it was not offensive. It was just about something that exists there, in the world, and they were bringing it to the table in a really casual, hilarious, and at times, depressing way. But overall, it was a raw experience. With monologues about women discovering their bodies, to post traumatic stress and fear of their bodies, to sex workers, to sex slaves in the war, to how a woman made a young girl feel alive and in love with herself, my eyes were opened and my stomach was laughing, as well as turning, consistently. Regardless of the fact that the audience consisted of 95% women, I feel fortunate to have undergone that experience. Thanks, Vagina Monologues. Class act.
Today started with waking up to Jim's acoustic (and don't apologize, I loved it) around 9:30. I fizzled around on the computer a little, called Meg, and had a nice talk with her. We haven't chatted in a few days actually, and the phone always makes it official, unlike Skype. It's too loose and informal. I likey the tele. I prepared myself for the day and began to read Week 5's Sociology material, and I'm almost done it now. Being finished my health review for the week, all I have left to do is to finish 30 pages of Frankenstein, get familiar with Heart of Darkness, review philosophy for week 5, and study for my art midterm on Tuesday. A little while ago, at 2, I got 2 tickets to Owen Pallett's band Final Fantasy for Steph and I. She's coming sometime on Wednesday, and I could not be more so looking forward to it. Things are falling nicely into place.
Do you ever get that sensation? Where you're just so excited for every moment of every upcoming day?
I went to The Tea Room in the Integrated Learning Center to volunteer with OxFam in selling fair trade chocolates at 2:30. As soon as I was walking in, Lena, one of the head execs for our Make Trade Fair committee, was about to send me an e-mail saying that the booth has been shut down early because we ran out of chocolates, SO quickly. I am impressed, and did not think many people would be interested, or willing to buy chocolate. It's chocolate. But it's an excellent cause. And I like it. With this, I got a fair trade chai latte from The Tea Room, in spirit of OxFam, and walked back to res. When approaching my door, I noted the smell: mother fucking marijuana. I unlocked it, and there was a towel covering the door at the bottom next to the floor, and yeah, obviously, I expected this, pot smoking in the room yet again. I was so fucking disappointed, just, ...no. I unpacked my things in a sort of "You are a child" way, slamming stuff sort of, and did not say a word. I wanted him to suffer. He said he wouldn't do it again. I didn't say anything. Nope, just let his mind think up shit, hopefully feeling guilty. And I don't feel guilty about wanting to instill guilt in him. I think he deserves it, with me putting up with his shit. As soon as we get to good, or at least decent terms, he just blows it off. Just like he's blowing off his undergraduate studies. Taking a fucking $20,000 nap. Bull shit. I want to be here. Get out.
"You're a tourist."
Seeing past this, I left the room, wandered around, whatever. Let's carry on.
Tonight I plan to go out downtown, either to Ale House or The Spot, whichever. Elixir? I'm going to finish reading Sociology now, and then I may read some Frankenstein and review some Philosophy. Some laundry too. Some dinner in a bit. Et cetera. Tonight should be good though. Let's make it new.
Tomorrow I'm going to continue my work.
This just in, I am going downtown to the grocery store with Nick. Cheerio.
Tomorrow night we're all going to see Valentine's Day and get coffee beforehand downtown. So many celebrities in it, it's like an explosion of glitter and stilettos.
Sunday I'll work too, then it's the ArtSci Formal, and I plan to go with Olivia, Kevin, Lucy Joe and some other friends from Leonard. Yep!
Monday is family day. I'll call my family. Then my floor will watch Cool Running, just 'cause, and we'll have Family Day cake. The cake requirements are, as always, first - cheap, and second - chocolate. Metro is overpriced.
Then it'll be Tuesday, then it'll be Wednesday, and Steph will be here. I'm so...... just, looking forward to reuniting. I can't believe it's been almost 6 months. That's a half a year. That's never happened before. Unreal, really. Unreal.
Thursday, she'll come to my classes, and then Meagan and Rachel will arrive for the weekend!
George will be gone on Friday, off to Netherlands and whatnot, so we'll a beautiful, beautiful weekend to ourselves. Lakes, dinners, movies, walking, touring, breathing, tea. Cold, fun, love.
Then we will be home for reading week, Sunday afternoon. I'll write two essays and study for a midterm. I'll enjoy the library. I'll enjoy the family. I'll enjoy the friendship. I'll enjoy the snow. The laugher. The questions. The events. The escape. The wonderment. The newness. The puppy dogs. The flat bed, empty room, heater on, watching movies, lighting candles, concocting scents with incense.

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