Mar 4, 2010

"focus on what's important"

I made a calendar of things to do over reading week. I didn't keep up with it. I set the bar unrealistically high, sort of, for me. The calendar was for someone who isolated themselves.
I'm so glad I didn't keep up with it.
I'm glad because I definitely got at least a 70 on my health midterm this morning.
That's all I asked for anyway.
I didn't need to study as hard, and as long as I thought I did.
Things just work out. They just do.
I can't picture where I would be at in my life right now, if I pulled a Victor Frankenstein and solely focused on one thing, being deflected from a balance in my life that is crucial, because within the balance that I try to maintain lies my sanity. Imagine if I hadn't experienced what I experienced that week, without that balance. Nope!

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